Old Time String Band Performance Dec. 3
The Old Time String Band from Morehead State Universitys Kentucky Center for Traditional Music (KCTM) will give a free performance Monday, Dec. 3, at 11:00 a.m. at ACTCs Technology Drive Campus.
The Band is composed of MSU students Beau Lambert on Guitar/Bass/Banjo, Ellen Kearney on mandolin, Linda Stokley on fiddle and banjo, Montana Hobbs on banjo, Corey Swearingen on guitar and Louis Magda on harmonica. The group is led by Nathan Kiser, KCTM Operations Manager. The songs focus on music stemming from or influenced by music from the southern Appalachian mountain region.
Students enrolled in the KCTM Traditional Music Ensemble classes perform throughout the region in a Sounds of Our Heritage series. They will play at ACTC as part of the Smithsonians New Harmonies Exhibit: Celebrating Roots Music.
The New Harmonies Exhibit is a Music on Main Street collaboration between the Smithsonian Institute and the Kentucky Humanities Council, with support from the KY Transportation Cabinet and ACTC.