New Job Club Will Meet September 5
ACTC students who are looking for part-time or full-time work are welcome to attend thefirst meeting of the new Regional Job Clubon Thursday, Sept. 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. The meeting will be held at the Boyd County Cooperative Extension Office at 2420 Center Street in Catlettsburg.
At the meeting, Hannah Leonard, Boyd County Extension Agent for Family amp; Consumer Sciences, will give an overview of the clubs purpose and planned activities. Nancy Menshouse, ACTC Career Center Coordinator, will cover job strategies, and Kelli Felty, Director of the Kentucky Career Center in Ashland, will speak about preparing a 30 second commercial to highlight applicant strengths.
Human resource specialists from E-Tech and Guardian Community Living will speak briefly about employment opportunities.
The free club is open to anyone in the area who is currently out of work, underemployed or considering a career transition. No preregistration is required, but participants are asked to be on time. Late arrivals will not be admitted. Future meeting will be held the first and third Thursdays of each month starting in October.
The Southwestern Community Action Council (SCAC) has joined ACTC, the Boyd County Cooperative Extension Service and the Kentucky Career Center in sponsoring the Job Club.
For more information, call Nancy Menshouse at ACTC, 606-326-2199; Hannah Leonard at the Extension Office, 606-739-5184; Kelli Felty at the Career Center, 606-326-8060; or Fuzzy Filliez at the SCAC Huntington office, 304-525-5151.