New Job Club Starts in Ashland | ACTC

New Job Club Starts in Ashland

A new Job Club has been started by Ashland Community and Technical College, the Boyd County Cooperative Extension Service and the Kentucky Career Center in Ashland.

The purpose of the Job Club is to provide a positive environment for motivated job seekers to meet, connect, share and learn. The free club is open to anyone in the area who is currently out of work, underemployed or looking to make a career transition.

The first meeting will be September 5 and later meetings will be on the first and third Thursday of each month starting October. Meetings will be from 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. at the Boyd County Cooperative Extension Office at 2420 Center Street in Catlettsburg.

Each Job Club meeting will consist of a brief career-related program and provide time for sharing and networking among attendees. Some program topics include job search strategies, resumes, networking, interviewing, finances, underemployment benefits, social media and goal setting.

Research has found that people in job-search support groups are much more likely to find jobs than those who search as individuals, and the job searches are shorter. The benefits of a job club include mutual support and encouragement as well as the exchange of job leads resumes, ideas, and information on career strategies and techniques.

There is no preregistration to attend a meeting, but participants are asked to be on time. No late arrivals will be admitted. For more information, call Nancy Menshouse at ACTC, 606-326-2199; Hannah Leonard at the Extension Office, 606-739-5184; or Kelli Felty at the KY Career Center Office, 606-326-8060.

Information on Job Club is posted on the Extension web page at: