Music Foundations Class At ACTC
The Trouble with Trebles, a music foundation class, has been designed for people who love music and want to know more about its foundations.
The class will begin with basics such as note names, rhythms and scales, and then move into intervals, key signatures, triads, meter, major and minor scales, chord progressions and basic forms of music. Participants will learn to formulate methods of mentally thinking tonality, key signatures, and intervals, as well as the notation of musical sound.
The six week class will be held at the College Drive Campus Wednesdays, March 23 to May 4, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. There is no class Wednesday, April 13.
The fee is $25, and enrollment is through ACTC Lifelong Learning, 606-326-2072, 800-928-4256 ext. 62072 or email: as_LLL@kctcs.edu.