Literacy Open House Is October 6
The public is invited to a Literacy Open House Thursday, October 6, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Catlettsburg Branch of the Boyd County Public Library (BCPL).
ACTC and BCPL are hosting the Open House to celebrate the $8,000 grant by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation to support adult literacy education outreach in Boyd County.
The one-year grant is providing instruction for adult learners in basic knowledge and skills that can lead to the GED, National Career Readiness Certification and Kentucky Employability Certification. Classes are held Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Catlettsburg Branch, and up to 25 students can be served.
We invite adults who want to prepare for the workforce, college or the GED to come and see what we offer, said Penny Qualls, Director of the Boyd County Adult Education program based at ACTC.
The free classes are open to Boyd County residents over age 16 who want to attain academic skills and credentials for college or job advancement. To sign up for class, contact Qualls at 606-326-2437.
We are thrilled to partner with ACTC by providing accessible space for their students," said Ben Nunley, Public Services Manager. "In addition, this opportunity gives students extended evening and weekend hours for access and help with the Fast Forward learning system. Helping people improve their skills is what the library is about.
Open House visitors can also find out more about the services available from the library and Adult Education.
The Boyd County Public Library offers an array of resources for adult learners, including educational databases and catalogs like the Kentucky Virtual Library, which provides individuals valuable tools for academic research, and Learning Express Library that has an Adult Learning, Career, College Prep and other educational and vocational centers. For more information contact the Catlettsburg branch at 606-739-8332.
The Boyd County Adult Education program offers instruction in basic reading math, and writing skills as well GED and college preparation, keyboarding/computer training , test-taking strategies, English-as-a-Second Language, rsum writing, Internet job search and job readiness/interview techniques. For more information about adult education classes, contact Qualls at 606-326-2437.