KY Teleworks Will Take Applications Sept. 25 at ACTC
Kentucky Teleworks will take applications for telework positions on Tuesday, September 25, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Ashland Community and Technical College Technology Drive Campus.
Telework (work-from-home) employment allows people to participate in the global economy without relocating. The following positions are currently available: Customer Service Representative, Sales, IT Tech Support and At-Home Interviewer. Applicants should bring a resume, valid ID and Social Security card.
This event is an initiative of the Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program, KY Office of Employment and Training, and Community Action Partnership, with support from ACTC. For more information, go to the web at kentuckyteleworks.com or call 606-435-8498.
The Technology Drive Campus is located just off the Industrial Parkway (KY 67) about 12 miles south of US 23 and two miles north of I-64 at Exit 179.
Kentucky Teleworks was created by the Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program, Inc. to bring high-demand, high-growth telework jobs to Kentucky and to work with educational, workforce and community institutions to recruit and prepare Kentucky workers for those jobs.