KY GED Test Is Free to June 30 | ACTC

KY GED Test Is Free to June 30

The GED test will be free in Kentucky through June 30, because the usual $55 fee will be paid Kentucky Adult Education (KAE), a unit of the Council on Postsecondary Education.

"We are pleased to offer this incentive because it will help many Kentuckians re-energize their education and career," said Council on Postsecondary Education President Bob King.

The GED tests provide adults who did not finish high school with the opportunity to certify their attainment of high school-level academic knowledge and skills. The GED consists of five parts - reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. Completing the entire test battery takes just over seven hours.

"Most of us have been affected in some way by the tough economic times over the past couple of years, and the impact is even greater if you are looking for work and do not have your high school diploma," said Reecie D. Stagnolia, KAE vice president.

"As the economy recovers, this is an excellent time for people who do not have a high school credential to earn their GED and transition to postsecondary education so that they're prepared for the workforce," she said.

ACTC is an official GED testing center. The math and essay sections and social science, science, reading sections are given on alternate Wednesdays, so two sessions are required for the entire test battery.

Tests are given in the Main Building at the College Drive Campus and an appointment is required for both testing and retesting. For an appointment or more information on GED testing, contact Cara Huff, GED Chief Examiner, at 606-326-2193 or email:

The GED tests are currently offered only in a paper-pencil format at official GED Testing Centers - the tests cannot be taken online. It is important that people use the official testing centers. Some online sites change $200-$1,200 for dubious credentials that are not accepted by either employers or colleges and universities.