HR Workshops Offer Professional Development Credit | ACTC

HR Workshops Offer Professional Development Credit

Ashland Community and Technical Collegehas been certified by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for participants in the colleges HR Law Series workshops

The workshop series, which started last spring, is designed to help human resources professionals navigate the waters of HR rules and regulations. The two workshops offered this fall are open to all who have responsibilities for employee management

The Employee Handbooks workshop on September 24 will include the reasons why employers should have handbooks. Participants will explore provisions that should be included and those that should be avoided.

The Proper Classification of Workers workshop on November 12 will include DOL standards for classifying employees as salaried, hourly, independent contractors, volunteers or unpaid interns. Participants will learn how to avoid improper classification that can create substantial liability for employers.

Attorney Leigh Gross Latherow will conduct the workshops. She is a partner at VanAntwerp, Monge, Jones, Edwards, amp; McCann in Ashland.

The workshops will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the ACTCs Roberts Drive Campus, and the registration fee is $35 per workshop. Preregistration is required through ACTC Workforce Solutions, 606-326-2072 or email:

These workshops are valid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit