GED Testing Begins August 15 at ACTC | ACTC

GED Testing Begins August 15 at ACTC

General Educational Development (GED) Testing for the 2012-2013 academic year begins August 15 at ACTCs College Drive Campus. The test will be held every Wednesday through December 15 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with no test on November 21 during Thanksgiving break.

The math and essay section and social science, science, reading section are given on alternate Wednesdays, so two sessions are required for the entire test battery.

First-time test-takers will need to bring an application, photo identification, proof of online registration from the Adult Learning Center, and $60 in cash or money order for the complete test. Retests are $30 per test, and those taking a retest will need a photo identification and copy of their test scores.

Testing begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. in Room 431 of the Main Building.

An appointment is required for both testing and retesting. For an appointment or more information, contact Cara Huff, GED Chief Examiner, at 606-326-2193, 800-928-4256 ext. 62193 or email:

For information on GED pretesting and preparation classes, contact the Adult Learning Center, 606-326-2457. The Center is the state designated site in Boyd County to administer the Official GED Practice Test. The Center also offers free daytime and evening classes for people who need to improve their skills for the GED.