Free GED and NCRC Tests Available
Free GED tests and assessments to earn a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) are available to Kentuckians on a first-come, first-served basis through June 30 or until funds are expended.
The services are sponsored by Kentucky Adult Education and the Department of Workforce Investment, and they are available to area residents through the ACTC Adult learning Center at the Roberts Drive Campus.
GED Testing
The GED tests provide adults who did not finish high school with the opportunity to certify their attainment of high school-level academic knowledge and skills. Free testing in 2011 led to a 10 percent increase in the number of Kentuckians earning a GED. A total of 10,294 GEDs were earned in Kentucky in 2010-11.
Classes to help people prepare for the GED start March 19 at the ACTC Adult Education Center. The classes cover basic academic skills for reading, math and language enrichment / writing. Daytime and evening classes times are offered, and online/distance learning classes are also available.
Area residents interested in taking advantage of the free classes or the free GED testing should contact the Center at 606-326-2457.
NCRC Testing
The NCRC is a national certification that indicates work readiness by administering three WorkKeys assessment in applied mathematics, locating information and reading for information. These specific workplace skills are needed in 77 percent of all jobs profiled for WorkKeys testing.
Eligible individuals can obtain free NCRC testing through ACTC Adult Education Center. For an appointment, call 606-326-2457. This offer is time and space limited, so those interested should schedule testing early and should request a free NCRC.