Free Estate/Retirement Planning Seminar Offers Four Sessions
An Estate and Retirement Planning Seminar at AshlandCommunity and Technical Collegewill feature financial and legal experts to help people prepare for a secure future.
The seminar includes four sessions that will be held Thursdays, Oct. 6 to 27, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the College Drive Campus Teleconference Room. Each session will cover a different aspect of planning, and participants can choose to attend all or any number of the sessions.
Session 1 on October 6 covers Financial Fundamentals / Retirement Readiness. Topics include pensions IRA, 401K and 403 B annuities; stocks, bonds, equities and investment risk factors; and charitable giving considerations.
Session 2 on October 13 introduces Disability and Social Security benefit questions. Topics include when to apply for Social Security benefits, Social Security disability and survivor benefit provisions, and Medicare and other health care insurance options.
Session 3 on October 20 covers long term questions for Disability and Social Security issues such as guardianship, powers of attorney, medical VA benefits and long-term care planning.
Session 4 on October 27 covers Estate Planning considerations such as the probate process, wills and trusts.
Session presenters are Pamela Potter, an attorney with Potter Law Firm, P.S.C.; Mike Hobbs, JD, CPA and CFP; Bernard Onan, district manager for the Ashland Society Security Office; Lance McComis, an attorney with VanAntwerp Attorneys, LLP; Bob Maher, a Financial Planner with Edward Jones; and Linda Knighton, Veterans Benefits Field Representative for the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs.
The free seminar is sponsored by the Community and Technical College Foundation of Ashland, Inc., ACTCs fund-raising arm. For more information, contact ACTC Dean of Advancement Willie McCullough at 606.326.2068 or email: