Free Arbor Day Trees April 29
Ashland's annual Arbor Day "Plant a Tree Project" will take place in Central Park Friday, April 29, from 12:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. or until all trees are gone, whichever comes first. Any remaining trees will be distributed on Saturday beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Approximately 7,000 tree seedlings will be available, with a limit of 10 trees per person. The tentative list of small trees includes Redbud, Flowering Dogwood, Silky Dogwood (shrub), Wild Plum and Hazelnut, and large trees are Persimmon, White Pine, Loblolly Pine, Yellow Poplar and Willow Oak.
The free distribution is sponsored by the City of Ashland and the Kentucky Division of Forestry. For the past 16 years, the city has received a Tree City, USA award from the National Arbor Day Foundation for the tree project. Over 75,000 trees were distributed during this period.
The Ashland Tree Board manages the distribution as a public service project. Tree Board members are Joyce Welch, Alice Bourne, Ramona Callihan, Marion Russell, new member Carrie Stambaugh and Dr. Charles Howes, ACTC professor of biology and chemistry. Students in classes taught by Dr. Howes and Steven Shytle, Barnes amp; Noble Bookstore assistant manater, will assist with the distribution as a service-learning project.
For more information, contact Dr. Howes at 606-326-2057 or email: charles.howes@kctcs.edu.