Everyone Has a Story to Write
This four-week class will focus on the craft of writing, with attention to finding and using inspiration from various facets of life. Participants will work with the instructor and each other in writing workshops to turn inspiration into works of fiction and/or creative nonfiction.
Each class session will include creative thinking and writing activities as well as practice in planning and drafting stories and scenes. The focus will be placed on finding inspiration in the everyday world, creating characters that are believable and crafting stories that entertain and educate.
The ultimate goal is a long or short story that can be self-published through CreateSpace, should the participants choose to do so.
The class will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, Oct.8 to 31, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Roberts Drive Campus., and the fee is $75. Instructor Dave Pack is a former ACTC adjunct English instructor, blogger and aspiring author.
To enroll, contact ACTC External Education online at http://ws.kctcs.edu/ashland/, email: as_ce@kctcs.edu or call 606.326.2072.