Entrepreneur Day Program Is November 15 | ACTC

Entrepreneur Day Program Is November 15

Ashland Community and Technical College will host an Entrepreneur Day Program Tuesday, Nov. 15, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. the College Drive Campus.

The program will include presentations by successful regional entrepreneurs Jessica Adkins from The Blackhorse Farm, Wes Thompson from The Whiskey Tango Creative Group, Joda Burgess from WeCare Medical and Robert Slagle from Modular Security Systems.

Presentations on opportunities for entrepreneurs will include Mike Thompson, executive in residence for TECHGrowth Ohio, who will talk about Glockners Dare to Dream pitch contest for high school students.

Mick Fosson, Director of the Kentucky Innovation Network Office in Ashland, will present the Kentucky Lt. Governors Entrepreneurship Challenge for high school students. John McGlone, ACTC Dean of Public Service, will speak about the Idea State U business plan competition for college students. Don Perry from the Tri-State Angel investment Group will talk about the groups support of start-up and growing businesses.

Following the presentations, ACTCs Mobile Technology Lab will give demonstrations of emerging 3D drawing/printing, drone, virtual reality and augmented reality technologies.

The program is presented in celebration of Global Entrepreneur Week. For more information contact program coordinator Mick Fosson, Director of the Kentucky Innovation Network Office in Ashland, email: mick.fosson@kctcs.edu.