Constitution Day Program at ACTC
Ashland Community and Technical College and Morehead State University at Ashland will celebrate Constitution Day on Friday, Sept. 16, with a free program on the meaning of the U. S. Constitution.
The speaker will be the Honorable Lewis D. Nicholls, Senior Status Judge for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The title of his presentation is A Short History of the U.S. Constitution and Its Relevance Today.
Judge Nicholls is a Greenup native and graduate of Morehead State University and the Northern Kentucky University College of Law. He served in Greenup County as Circuit Judge and District Judge before assuming his present position..
The program is open to the public and will begin at 12:00 p.m. in the J. B. Sowards Theatre at the College Drive Campus. For more information, contact Dean Willie McCullough at ACTC, 606-326-2028, email: willie.mccullough @kctcs.edu.
Constitution Day commemorates September 17, 1787 - the day that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed the document that would establish the government of the United States.
In 2004, President Bush signed a law establishing Constitution Day in order to perpetuate the Constitution to each succeeding generation and to show the need to protect and defend it in order to maintain our liberties.