College Goal Sunday
College Goal Sunday on January 31 at Ashland Community and Technical College will help Kentucky students and their families fill out college financial aid forms.
"People who want to start college next fall should begin planning now ," said Jack Trautwein, ACTC's Director of Financial Aid. "No matter what college they want to attend, they need to consider how to pay for their higher education."
The free program will begin at 2 p.m. in the Teleconference Room of the Learning Assistance Center at the College Drive Campus.
Financial aid professionals will provide information and assistance in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form is required for all students applying for federal aid and is also used by most colleges and universities nationwide to determine eligibility for state and local aid.
"Filling out the FAFSA is the crucial first step in applying for any type of college aid," Trautwein said. "The federal application can help students qualify for thousands of dollars for college and is the ticket to a college education.
Students qualify for financial aid based on their family's income. Students do not necessarily have to be full time to be eligible to receive grants and for some students, Pell Grants are available even if they are taking only one class.
Students are encouraged to attend College Goal Sunday with a parent or guardian. They should bring completed 2009 tax returns and other 2009 income and benefits information. Families who haven't completed their taxes will get help filling out the rest of the FAFSA and receive instructions for the financial portion.
College Goal Sunday targets disadvantaged and low-income students who need financial aid to attend college and who need help applying for that aid.
It is a nationwide program sponsored throughout the state by the Kentucky Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. Funding is through the Lumina Foundation for Education, The Student Loan People and the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA).
Those unable to attend College Goal Sunday can find out more about their financial aid options the web at kasfaa.com/cgs or by contacting the ACTC Office of Financial Aid, 606-326-2198 or 800-928-4256 ext. 62198.