Ashland Community and Technical College President Kay Adkins and Eastern Kentucky University President Michael Benson came to the runway of the Ashland Regional Airport in Worthington, KY on August 7 to sign an agreement for a 2+2 aviation degree pathway.
The agreement makes the nations first FAA-approved 1,000-hour power 2+2 degree pathway to aviation careers available to area students. .
This partnership is a win-win situation for everyone concerned, said ACTC President Kay Adkins. By working together, we pool our resources and expand opportunities for students to prepare for great careers.
Students in the 2+2 Aviation Partnership will earn an associate degree at ACTC and take lower-division aviation courses taught by local instructors hired through EKU. They will complete upper-division baccalaureate degree courses by taking entirely online courses through Eastern.
This partnership is one of several aviation agreements we have developed with KCTCS, said EKU President Michael T. Benson. Aviation is one of many professions that require higher education, and its important to have those educational programs here for the people who live in the area.
Im here today to thank both presidents for working on an agreement that will benefit our area, said Tanya Pullin, State Representative for Boyd and Greenup Counties. A huge demand for pilots is expected to develop in the future, and our residents now have a chance to prepare for those jobs without having to move away.
The agreement signing was held at the Ashland Regional Airport, where EKU aviation classes will be held. I want to thank Tanya Pullin for pointing out this airport which is a tremendous resource for the area and for our program, said EKU President Benson.
The Aviation partnership leads from an AA degree at ACTC to a Bachelor of Science Degree at EKU in Aviation Aerospace Technology Concentration. Students will be dually enrolled at ACTC and EKU. They can start on general education courses at ACTC this fall, and aviation courses at the airport will begin in next spring.
For information on enrolling at ACTC, contact ACTC advisor James Jagielo, james.jagielo@kctcs.edu. For more information on the Aviation pathway, email Ralph Gibbs, EKU Director of Aviation, at donald.gibbs@eku.edu, call 859-622-1014 or visitwww.aviation.eku.edu.