Ballroom Dance Class Starts April 5
A Taste of Ballroom Dance will be held Fridays, April 5 to 26. This class is a chance to get ready for that wedding or upcoming Father/Daughter dance or just find an enjoyable activity.
Participants can bring a partner and join instructors Allen Darnel and Kay McFarland to learn and practice the basic elements of partner dancing, such as posture, frame, leading, following, footwork, timing, and style characteristics. Allen Darnell has more than 50 years of dance experience, and his biography can be seen at: www.beginnersonly.com.
The class will meet from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Roberts Drive Campus, and the fee is $55 per couple. Enroll through ACTC Community Education, 606-326-2072 or email: as_ce@kctcs.edu.