ACTC/FIVCO Science Fair Has Successful Debut
Over 100 science projects were submitted to the ACTC/FIVCO Science and Engineering Fair held March 2 at the Ashland Community and Technical College Roberts Drive Campus. Several hundred students worked on the projects that involved Life Sciences, Physical Science/Mathematics, or Engineering exploration and experimentation.
This years fair was something to be proud of, said Dr. Barbara Walters, Fair Director and ACTC Emeritus Professor of Math. We had project entries from every FIVCO county, committee members from each school district, and judges and volunteers from businesses and organizations throughout the area as well as from the college.
The tremendous level of participation we achieved in this first year of the fair bodes well for the future, Walters said.
Supporting the college in this endeavor to encourage student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics were Marathon, Inc., Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital Foundation, Sustainable Berea, Veolia Environmental Services and Al and Mary Catherine Flath.
Best of Fair Awards
The Grade 9-12 Best of Fair award went to Jacob Menix from West Carter High School, and the Grade 6-8 Best of Fair award went to Kaleb Wears from East Carter Middle School. Best of Fair winners were eligible to enter the University of Louisville Regional Science Fair.
Medal winners
Grade 4-5 medal winners were: First Place - Jada Miller, Connor Ratliff and Hannah Taylor from Ponderosa Elementary; Second Place - Evan Thompson, Isabella Caldwell and Carter Terry from Ponderosa; Third Place - Hannah Allen from Greysbranch Elementary.
Grade 6-8 medal winners were: First Place - Kaleb Wears from East Carter Middle School, Second Place - Rachel James and Taylor Bayes from East Carter Middle School; Third Place - Will Adkins and Gage Hignite from Charles Russell Elementary.
Grade 9-12 medal winners were: First Place - Jacob Menix from West Carter High School; Second Place - Taylor Ingram, Kaitlyn McKenzie and Hayley Kilburn from Paul Blazer High School; Third Place - Troy Riffe from West Carter High.
Life Science Category Winners
Individual projects for Grades 4-5: First- Hannah Allen of Greysbranch Elementary, Second- Jalyn King of Blaine Elementary.
Individual projects for Grades 6-8: First- Kaleb Wears from East Carter Middle, Second- Ethan Music of Fallsburg Elementary,Third- Ethan McKenzie from Blaine Elementary.
Individual projects for Grades 9-12, all from West Carter High: First- Jacob Menix, Second- Troy Riffe, Third- Allen Miclurg.
Team projects for Grades 4-5: First- Jada Miller, Connor Ratliff and Hannah Taylor from Ponderosa Elementary; Second- Jackson Davis, Harrison Rice and Caroline Henry from Ponderosa; Third- Destiny Graham and Corrie Dingus from Poage Elementary.
Team projects for Grades 6-8: First- Rachel James and Taylor Bayes from East Carter Middle School; Second- Morgan Kitchen, Ashley Scaggs and Kaitlyn Reynolds from West Carter Middle School; Third- Mariah Isaac, Kaitlyn Deerfield and Evan Barker from West Carter Middle School.
Engineering Category Winners
Individual projects for Grades 4-5: First- Savannah Sizemore from Greysbranch Elementary, Second- Cameron Robbins from Greysbranch, Third- Xavier Griffith from Carter Elementary;
Individual projects for Grades 9-12: First- Samuel Garner from Elliott County High.
Team projects for Grades 6-8: First- Will Adkins and Gage Hignite from Charles Russell, Second- Bailey Wells, Evan Burton and Alannah Steagall from West Carter Middle, Third- Kelley Sammons and Jordan Duncan from West Carter Middle,
Team projects for Grades 9-12: First- Tristin Conrad, Jeremy Sweeney and Tony Yates from Paul Blazer High; Second- Morgan Scherer and Jessica Gussler of Paul Blazer High.
Physical Sciences amp; Mathematics Category Winners
Individual projects for Grades 4-5: First - Eden Webb from Fallsburg, Second- Calvin Riggs from Crabbe, Third- Clay Adkins from Upper Tygart Elementary;
Individual projects for Grades 6-8: First- Hailey Stenley from West Carter Middle, Second- David Eklund from West Carter Middle, Third- Emily Hicks from East Carter Middle.
Individual Projects for Grades 9-12: First- James Allen Gillum and Second- Jozie Banas, both from Elliott County High.
Team Projects for Grades 4-5: First- Evan Thompson, Isabella Caldwell, Carter Terry of Ponderosa; Second- Alexis Marcum, Taylor Bellomy and Tori Qualls/Riley Reeves from Summit Elementary; Third- Aaron Hill, Justin Bradley and Blake Hester from Hager.
Team Projects for Grades 6-8: First- Emma Green and Colby Rice from Sandy Hook, Second- Rachel Reeder and Reese Rayburn from West Carter Middle, Third- Danielle Underwood and Hannah Carpenter from West Carter Middle.
Team Projects for Grades 9-12: First- Taylor Ingram, Kaitlyn McKenzie and Hayley Kilburn from Paul Blazer High.