ACTC/FIVCO Science Fair Entries Due
January 23 is the entry deadline for the 3rd Annual FIVCO Area Science amp; Engineering Fair. The fair will be held February 6 at the Ashland Community and Technical College Technology Drive Campus.
The fair is for students enrolled in public, parochial or home-based schools in Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Greenup and Lawrence Counties in Kentucky. Each school can submit three projects and each home school can enter one project. A project may be completed by an individual student or a team of no more than three students.
There are five project category areas: Life Science, Mathematical Science, Chemistry, Engineering and Physics amp; Astronomy.
For judging purposes, students will be grouped into three grade categories: grades 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12. All projects must meet INTEL and safety guidelines which are available at: www.societyforscience.org.
The only required entry form, as well as project information and a rules guideline booklet, are online at: www.fivcosciencefair.com[BROKEN LINK].
Winners in each category will receive a medal, and the overall winners in grades 6-8 and 9-12 will be eligible to advance to a regional science fair. Cash prizes awarded through a grant from Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. include $1,000 for first place in the high school (grades 9-12) and middle school (grades 6-9) categories and $500 for first place in the elementary school (grades 4-5) category.
For more information, contact Dr. Walters, Science Fair Director, at 600.922.2931 or email: barbara.walters@kctcs.edu.