ACTC Youth Camps Focus on STEM Skills
Ashland Community and Technical College youth summer camps are focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) knowledge and skills. The classes are designed to encourage creativity, develop reasoning and teamwork skills, and foster innovation while providing exciting, enjoyable activities that promote learning.
Four hands-on campus are offered for youth ages 10 to 14. Students will explore technology by using it, and they will learn science by applying the concepts to real projects. How does it work, why does it work, when does it work, what can I design, and how can I use it are all questions that students will answer during their projects. Then students will take their projects home to show what they have learned.
The camps are offered though ACTCs Workforce Solutions Program, and classes are held in the John W. Clark Training Center at the Roberts Drive Campus. Each class fee of $135 includes all materials. (Register before May 23 for $99 per class.)
To register, go online at: www.ashland.kctcs.edu/Workforce_Solutions, email as_workforce@kctcs.edu or call 606.326.2072. The registration deadline is three days before classes begin.
Hover Craft- Design Your Own Vehicle- Egg Drop Car
This class has three projects to help students learn about the laws of motion, energy, air pressure, friction, lift, speed and acceleration. Students will build an air-powered Hover Craft, make it defy gravity and using their creativity to control its direction. Then students will design and build a super car powered by more than one source of energy.Finally students will build an Egg Drop Car designed tocushion a raw egg when it is dropped from a high height.Students will take their vehicles home at the end of class.
The class meets June 13 to June 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Magnetic Levitation for Future Transportation
In this exploration of magnetism, electricity and levitation, students will build a "Futuristic Maglev" car to race and take home. In 1999, a Japanese five-car maglev train set a record of 345 miles/hour. A car wont go that fast in this class, but students will have fun building them and learning how they operate.
Students will also construct a simple maglev track and an electromagnet, build the world's simplest motor and make their own compass to take home. Concepts include the relationship between magnetism and electricity and how motors and generators work.
The class meets June 13 to 17, from 12:35 to 3:45 p.m.
3D Printers, 3D Pens and Drones
This class covers three topics. During the first three days, students learn the basics of 3D modeling and printing, convert images to 3D models using basic computer aided design concepts, and make their own 3D creations to take home.
On Day 4, students will learn to use the features and functions of a 3D pen to create a design or work of art. On Day 5, students will learn drone flying techniques as well as safety rules and regulations as governed by the FAA. Participants can bring their own drone or use one provided for use during camp.
The class will be held twice during the week June 27 to July. The morning class meets from 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m., and the afternoon meets from 12:45 to 3:25 p.m.
Computer software is at the center of all cool technology, and computer programming is an essential skill in the 21st century. In this class, students will peel back the curtain to see what is really going on inside their computers, consoles, and other devices. Students will learn the Python programming language, and will write programs to solve homework problems, make silly stories and play games.
Python is a high level, general purpose programming language that is easy to learn and fun to use. Its used for a wide range of operating systems and is used by sites like YouTube and Dropbox.
The class will be held twice during the week June 27 to July. The morning class meets from 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m., and the afternoon meets from 12:45 to 3:25 p.m.