ACTC Students/Employees Invited to Clean Up Lake | ACTC

ACTC Students/Employees Invited to Clean Up Lake

All ACTC students, employees and their families are invited to help clean up Grayson Lake State Park on Saturday, April 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is a good opportunity to help make our area a better place to live. The cleanup is community service project organized by Shawn Brown and David Childress. Children are welcome as long as they are closely supervised.

If you can participate, please sign up with: by Tuesday, April 12. You can bring a brown bag lunch or you can sign up to purchase a $5 picnic lunch. Shawn Brown in TDC Room 201E will need the lunch fee by Wednesday, April 13.

Please wear work clothes and closed-toed shoes, with an extra layer of clothing for cool weather and a water bottle to stay hydrated.

Volunteers are responsible for their own transportation and will meet at 50 Launch Ramp Road, the Army Corps of Engineers building on top of the dam right before you go over the hill to the marina.;source=s_qamp;hl=enamp;geocode=amp;q=grayson+lake+marinaamp;sll=38.294248,-83.098183amp;sspn=0,0amp;ie=UTF8amp;hq=grayson+lake+marinaamp;hnear=amp;ll=38.244921,-82.996559amp;spn=0.087227,0.222988amp;z=13amp;iwloc=Aamp;cid=13094473270878326640l3
NOTE: This link will take you to the marina, but note the location is before the marina. Turn at the Smoky the Bear sign - that is the road to the marina.

Please note that cell phones do not work well (if at all) at the lake, but if you get lost, you can call the Ranger Station at 606-474-5815