ACTC Releases Fall 2014 Dean's List
Ashland Community and Technical College has named 336 students to the Deans List for Fall Semester 2014. Deans List students must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) on at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 100 and above. The students are listed below by city of residence.
Students from Kentucky
Students from Argillite: Taylor N. Bellew, Shane W. Day, Ashley G. Hacker, Kayce M. Hensley, Teresa L. Hern, Woodrow D. Howard and Eric A. Kidd.
From Ashland: Jason G. Anders II, Kathryn E. Barber, Susan M. Barber, Aaron E. Bond, Britany L Boyd, Brett C. Brown, Jessica Brown, Dustin L. Burkhart, Kassandra D. Calhoun, Annastacia G. Cannoy, Anthony W. Chapman, Kelly E. Chapman, Jenna L. Cochran, Tyson J. Conrad, Sommer N. Cory, Thomas R. Cory, Zachary T. Crawford, Travis W. Daniels, Whitney P. Danner, Ronald W. Davidson III, Kearston S. Evans, Mason L. Evans, Justin R. Eyermann, Aaron C. Fitchpatrick and William K. French.
Also from Ashland: John E. Fultz, Tobias D. Gedenk, Candy F. Goldie, Summer B. Goldie, Morgan P. Grisham, Alyssa C. Gullett, Lee R. Hanners, Marcus D. Hatten, Heather L. Horsley, Bethany D. Howell, Katlyn M. Hunt, Anthony M. Iacobucci, Amanda N. Jackson, Robert O. Jarred, David M. Johnson, Paul D. King, Levi M. Kouns, Phillip D. Layne, Hannah B. Leach and Robert E. Mackey.
Also from Ashland: Kyle G. McConnell, Emily D. Meeks, Letha A. Moore, Autumn D. Morgan, Melissa K. Music, Stacy J. Nelson, Jason S. Nivens, Savannah R. Osborn, Andrew B. Perkins, Brian M. Perry, Gary L. Ratcliff, Mark A. Ratliff, Robert C. Rawlins, Jacob S. Reeves, Samantha E. Reeves, Janet Y. Riggs, Katie P. Ritchie, Brett A. Roar, Joshua C. Rogers, Madison D. Ryan and Corey A. Salow.
Also from Ashland: Sarah G. Salyers, Paul E. Scott, Shelley R. Scott, Vanessa D. Shamblin, Kirsten R. Shavers, Heather R. Slone, Brianne L. Smith, Carissa H. Smith, Maurica D. Smith, Megan M. Stapleton, Donald R. Stiles, Breann N. Stubblefield, Zackary D. Suttles, Tina L. Terry, Anna F. Thomas, Kelly R. Vance, Keri B. Wheeler, Bradley A. Wilburn, Jamaka J. Williams, Nicholas R. Withrow, Michael J. Wood, and Cindy G. Yoak.
From Banner: Hazie C. Dotson and Eric. C. Prater.
From Betsy Layne: Jonathan D. Stanley and Evan T. Swiger.
From Catlettsburg: Zackery L. Ball, Steven T. Bragg, Braydan H. Brumfield, John C. Chapman, Joshua P. Day, Jason M. Dewitt, Kevin M. Ekers, Spencer D. Ferguson, Darryl C. Fitzpatrick, Katlyn A. Graham, Samantha P. Harper, Anna R. Laney, Donessa L. McCarty, Ashley L. Menarchik, Tyler C. Push, Emily N. Rakes, Ryan Rankin, Robert Z. Semeraro, James C. Stergeon, Tabor M. Whitt and Alexandra R. Young.
From Flatwoods: Madison L. Bramblette, Alicia M. Brown, Jesse L. Campbell, Cassandra L. Creswell, Nicholas A. Dawson, Billy J. Fitchpatrick, Michae l L. Harris, Dalton A. Jobe, Julianna M. Keeton, Cinthia L. Kosobud, Robert M. Kouns, Joshua M. Lawson, Michael T. McClure, Cameron S. Miles, Jessica E. Presley, Michael J. Ratliff, Jamie L. Smith, Edy L. Thomas and Megan S. Thomas.
From Grayson: Larissa D. Blevins, Jessica B. Branham, Troy P. Combs, Rhonda K. Denton, David L. Duke, Jr., Sammy L. Gallion, Breanna N. Greene, Amy E. Harlow, Carl T. Harris, Dustin K. Hicks, David D. Kitchen, Ruth M. Layne, Tiffany M. McGuire, Johnathan Z. Mohrman, Carrie A. Mullins, Chanel M. Prince, Bryan A. Reeves, Justin K. Roberts, Brooklyn P. Sloas, Kristy D. Thompson, David M. Walker and Samuel L. Wilcox.
From Greenup: Matthew J. Adkins, Jacqueline R. Baldwin, Derrick J. Barker, Austin D. Boggs, Christopher L. Brown, Erica Burton, Anna R. Collier, Basil R. Cooper, Drew G. Darby, Jayme L. Gee, Nathan K. Hall, Jessica M. Hickman, Frederick L. Hobson, Courtney P. Howard, Bryson C. Miller, Christopher M. Nichols, Candice C. Taylor and Samuel D. Whitt.
From Hitchins: James B. Hall, Rebecca L. Hall, Samantha M. Holbrook and Cody A. Logan.
From Louisa: Merissa M. Bowman, Landon K. Bradley, Miranda Carter, Alicia D. Cartmel, Adam M. Cavins, Alison D. Chandler, Olivia D. Cremeans, Clifford Damron, Kyle A. Delong, Charles E. Devaney, Timothy S. Jackson, Charles H. Kirk, Gerri M. Lemaster, Christy J. Lumpkins, Ashley R. Moore, Justin T. Pittman, John D. Reed, Drew L. See, Tiffany N. Triplett and Alicia D. Wallace.
From Olive Hill: Brian W. Barker, Rachel N. Barker, Kayla J. Bryant, Devon G. Butler, Jamie A. Butler, Erica J. Butterfield, Jessica L. Henderson, Leroy C. Henderson, Joel M. Jones, Jacob B. Layne, Amber D. Manning, Geanina L. McGlone, David E. Perry, Rhonda M. Prue, Jaime N. Skaggs, Sarah E. Smith, Kyle H. Stone and Dakota R. Tackett.
From Raceland: Kyle R. Cleveland, Michael W. French, Sri R. Lewis, Billie J. Sergent and Caleb J. Spainhower.
From Rush: Caleb N. Cline, Jason K. Deerfield, Olivia F. Hays, Michael D. Horn, Jocelyn R. Lemaster, Brittany D. Lucas, Brianna S. McGraw, Nolana J. McWhorter, Sarah E. Parsons and Bridgett R. Salyers.
From Russell: Jerry L. Beatson, Samuel A. Frazier, Jason M. Friday, Trenton T. Fyffe, Roch E. Liles, Joseph R. Reese, Steven R. Schmidt and Josie L. Tolliver.
From Sandy Hook: Brayden Q. Adkins, Michael D. Barker, Kristen L. Carroll, Travis M. Lewis, Joseph L. Maggard, Brady W. Miller, Marissa A. Morgan, Benjamin H. Powers, Katrina H. Wright and Johnathan T. Hay.
From South Shore: Cynthia G. Anderson, Levi D. Bowling, Nathanial G. Bray, Joshua C. Brewer, Jason B. Gumbert, Christina A. McDaniel, Mariah B. Quillen, Douglas S. Stewart and Jessica D. Stewart.
From Webbville: Randall G. Gilbert, Garrett S. Porter, Dustin A. Scott, Casey B. Sexton, Lydia D. Sparks and Christopher S. Young.
From Worthington: Logan A. Caldwell, Sammie M. Copley, Angela L. Davis, Peter M. Davis, April J. Evans, Travis V. Knight and Rachel S. Smith.
From Wurtland: Amelia A. Blythe, Bruce W. Hixson, Carie M. Stephens and Joshua L. Williams.
Also from KY: Aaron M. Blanton, Inez; Robert B. Ferguson, Blaine; Kasey N. Russell, Garrison; Thayer P. Himes, Quincy; Justin E. Howard, Ulysses; Darren A. Jude, Pilgrim; Paul S. Phillips, Grahn; Chase D. Taulbee, Salyersville; Jeconiah T. Staniford; Martha; and Dawntae M. Willis, South Portsmouth.
Students from Ohio
From Chesapeake: Amanda D. Forth, Nathan A. Smith and Colton S. Sowards.
From Coal Grove: Clara L. Cole and Elizabeth A. Hankins.
From Ironton: Russell L. Adkins, Karen D. Pancake, David C. Pospishil, Cody T. Roberts and Michael D. Terry II.
From Kitts Hill: Kaitlin P. Johnson and Casey W. Pinkerton.
From South Point: Zachary A. Bowen, Rachel N. Carrico, Zachary D. Clark and Tyler K. Staton.
Also from OH: Jaydon R. Bennett, Proctorville; Vanessa R. Giles, Pedro; and Kyle A. Newmyer, Shelby.
Students from West Virginia
From Ceredo: Brandon T. Kitts, Brittany J. Stapleton and Angela Willis.
From Fort Gay: Steven R. Albrecht, Charles R. Crabtree and Morgan S. Stansberry.
From Huntington: Noor Alhariri, Chanelle P. Booth, Zachary S. Christian, Rebecca J. Cremeans, Timothy L. Crowder, Thomas R. Davis, Sarah E. Hayton, Cera R. Holland, Christopher D. Marcum, Jacob M. Marinich and Kalen Morgan.
From Kenova: Matthew M Campbell, Callie L. Marcum, Ashley L. Massie and Victoria E. Scaggs.
From Lesage: Joshua T. Cooper.
From Wayne: Andrea M. Bates, Machala E. Legge and William M. Wallace.
Also Kelsey J. Hall from Albion, IN and Preston M. Friend from Hartville, MO.