ACTC Presents Staff Conference | ACTC

ACTC Presents Staff Conference

Ashland Community and Technical College will hold the 2010 Staff Conference on Friday, June 4, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Technology Drive Campus.

The conference theme, Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative, offers a variety of professional development and personal interest sessions on positive steps that can improve all aspects of a persons life.

Each day we face challenges in both our personal and professional lives, said Robin Lewis, ACTC Staff Council Chair and conference coordinator. By focusing on the positive aspect of those challenges, we avoid the adverse effects of negative attitudes and are able to move forward with our lives.

The featured presenter is Denise Taylor, author of Heavenly Birth. During her daughters three-year fight with leukemia, a battle lost in 2008, Taylor learned to focus on the positive, even when it appeared to be outweighed by the negative. Now she encourages audiences all over the world to choose victory over victimhood.

Other sessions include Better Every Day in Every Way with tips to sustain a positive attitude, Confident Communication with insights to messages that are sent by body language, Zumba Craze on the benefits of a workout routine, and Positive Steps in a Not So Positive Society on ways to develop healthy beliefs, manage conflict and build family bonds.

Tammy Steele from the Greenup County GAP (Grandparents as Parents) Program will present a session on Bridging the GAP for Non-traditional Families. She will address the issues faced by grandparents and other guardians who have assumed the primary care of children.

Warren Howard, ACTC Assistant Professor of Education, will give the closing session on Blast Off to a Better Life, with his top ten ways to improve the rest of your life.

While this conference is presented for college staff, the topics are applicable for staff in any organization, according to Lewis. We invite staff from businesses and organizations in the area to join us in a day of education and self-renewal.

The conference fee of $40 includes continental breakfast and lunch. The conference agenda and registration page are on the conference website at: For additional information, contact Lewis at ACTC, 606-326-2423 or email: