ACTC Offers Preparatory Class for Pharmacy Tech Exam
Ashland Community and Technical College is offering a class to help Kentucky Pharmacy Technicians prepare for the national certification exam (PTCE) and beat the deadline for mandatory certification.
All hospital pharmacy technicians in Kentuckymust be nationally certified by March 31, 2014. There is no grandfather clause for current technicians who are not certified. Those working in a hospital setting who are not certified by March 31 will lose their jobs.
The class will be held Dec. 6 to 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the College Drive Campus. The class is open to currently employed pharmacy technicianswho have worked in a pharmacy for at least one year.
All nine areas of testing for the PTCE will be covered: pharmacology for technicians, pharmacy law and regulations, sterile and non-sterile compounding, medication safety, pharmacy quality assurance, medication order entry and fill process, pharmacy inventory management, pharmacy billing and reimbursement, and pharmacy information systems usage and application.
Instructor Nikki Bryant is a certified Pharmacy Technician and Director of ACTCs H2P Program, She is a former Coordinator of ACTCs Pharmacy Technology Program, where her student pass rate on the (PTCE) Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam was 95%.
The class fee is $199. On the last day of class, students will visit the computer lab and register for the PTCE exam. Students will need to bring a credit card to pay the $129 exam fee.
To register, contact Jennifer Criswell, Workforce Solutions/External Education, or 606.326.2130.