ACTC Offers Personal Interest Classes in March | ACTC

ACTC Offers Personal Interest Classes in March

Ashland Community and Technical College offers short-term March classes in photography, Photoshop, sewing and Zumba for adults and ACT Prep for high school students. Enrollment is through ACTC Lifelong Learning, 606-326-2072 or email:

ACT Preparation

High school students can get ready for the ACT college entrance test in a 16-hour class designed to help overcome test anxiety and improve test-taking skills.

Participants will go over ACT type questions, learn test-taking tips, review English grammar and punctuation and practice working math problems. The ACTC instructors are Jason Shields, Information Systems Developer, and David Pack, adjunct English Instructor.

The class will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 20 to Apr. 12, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the College Drive Campus. The fee is $95, and students will need to purchase Barons Preparation for the ACT .

Zumba Classes

ACTC is offering Zumba Fitness classes that fuse Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves.

Zumba participants can achieve long term health benefits while experiencing a fun, calorie-burning, body-energizing workout. The routines feature interval training sessions with fast and slow rhythms plus resistance training to tone and sculpt the body while burning fat.

The class will be taught by Jessica Lucas, an experienced Zumba instructor and ACTCs Workforce Solutions Specialist. Classes meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at ACTCs Roberts Drive Campus. The first class is March 5 to April 11, and the second class is April 16 to May 30. The fee is $25 for either class.

Basic Sewing Class

If you are new to sewing or want to improve your skills, this Basic Sewing class will help. Retired teacher and experienced seamstress Patti May will take participants through a variety of stitches and hemming techniques and different ways to make small repairs on garments.

The class will meet Tuesdays, March 20 to April 10, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the College Drive Campus. The $35 fee includes materials.

Intro to Photography Part 2

If you have learned how to operate your camera in manual mode, get ready to kick your photography skills up a notch. This follow-up to the Intro to Photography class taught by wedding and portrait photographer J. Bird Cremeans will include homework assignments to help participants develop a more creative eye.

Participants will also learn how to set up a home studio and how to pose individuals and groups in the studio setting. The class will be held Mondays, March 26 to April 30, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the College Drive Campus. The fee is $75, and participants are responsible for any film processing costs.

Photoshop Class

Photoshop can be a great tool for anyone interested in photography, graphic design, photo restoration or digital scrapbooking. This hands-on class is taught by J. Bird Cremeans, an artist and photographer who has been using Photoshop since 1999.

Participants will learn how to add special effects to photos, restore or enhance your keepsake photos, create designs for greeting cards and labels and add graphics to reports or letters.

The class meets Tuesdays, March 27 to May 1, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the College Drive Campus, and the fee is $75