ACTC Offers GED EXPRESS and Savings
This summer, Kentucky Adult Education is offering area residents a shorter way to earn a GED and a way to save on their first GED test.
The GED EXPRESS accelerated program is offered at the Boyd County Adult Education Center located on ACTCs College Drive Campus.
The current GED test allows students to take one test module at a time, said Penny Qualls, Boyd County Program Director. GED Express helps students focus on building the specific skills they need for each part of the test.
GED EXPRESS targets instruction to fill each students specific skills gaps. Through a combination of independent and direct instruction in academic content areas, technology and test-taking skills, students more quickly become ready for the four-module test.
We want students to be successful and will do what we can to help them move toward taking the next step, Qualls said. We know that a GED improves an individuals employment opportunities and makes further education possible.
Summer savings on the GED are possible for first-time test takers. A $10 discount from GED plus a $20 voucher provided by Kentucky Adult Education will allow qualified individuals to take the first module free. To take advantage of this offer, students will need to schedule their test by August 1 and take their test by August 31.
The GED test provides adults who did not finish high school with the opportunity to certify their attainment of high school-level academic knowledge and skills.
The GED opens doors to jobs and higher education. People with a GED credential or high school diploma tend to have higher paying jobs and lower employment rates than people without a credential.
More than half of GED test-takers plan to go on to college. Nearly all colleges and universities in the U.S. accept the GED credential, though many require additional tests, such as the SAT or ACT. ACTC requires an additional COMPASS test or ACT for class placement, and the Adult Learning Center also offers free preparation classes for the college placement tests.
Classes, lab sessions and online study opportunities are available to help with reading, math, language enrichment and writing skills. The Center also offers classes in English as a Second Language.
Anyone interested in earning a GED or getting ready for college can call Adult Education at 606-326-2457 or 606-326-2437, e-mail Penny.Qualls@kctcs.edu, or visit FACEBOOK:ACTC/AdultLearning.