ACTC Offers Fiber Optic Technician Classes | ACTC

ACTC Offers Fiber Optic Technician Classes

ACTC is offering three Fiber Optic certification classes in June to help people prepare for jobs in fiber optics testing, maintenance and repair. The courses are recognized by the US Department of Labor and sanctioned by the Fiber Optic Association.

Classes are held at the Roberts Drive Campus, located at 4700 Roberts Drive in Ashland. Each class includes background information on theory and processes, with most of the class time spent on hands-on training activities. Certification tests will be given and graded on the last day of class.

Fee includes materials and tests. For more information or to register, contact ACTC workforce Solutions, 606-326-2130 or email:

The Certified Fiber Optics Technician Course (CFOT) introduces industry standards governing FTTD (Fiber To The Desk), FTTH (Fiber To The Home), and Distribution Cabling. Students will learn to identify fiber types, recognize various connectors, and properly install, terminate, splice, and test fiber cables to existing standards. The course meets Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 6 to 8, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The fee is $700.

The Certified Fiber Optics Specialist in Testing amp; Maintenance Course (CFOS/T) offers advanced training to those involved with the testing and maintaining fiber optics networks. Students learn a variety of testing standards, equipment and technological approaches in fiber network testing and splicing. The course meets Thursday and Friday, June 9 and 10, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and the fee is $675.

The new Certified Fiber Optics Specialist Outside Plant Course (CFOS/O) is for students who have completed the CFOT course and will be directly involved in outdoor installation. After covering standards for working with fiber optics cables in a rugged outdoor environment, students will learn to install, prepare, terminate, splice, test and troubleshoot Outside Plant (OSP) fiber cables to existing standards. The class meets Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the fee is $675.

ACTC is one of five KCTCS colleges partnering with SOAR (Shaping Our Appalachian Region) to provide Eastern Kentucky residents with educational opportunities that can lead to technology jobs.