ACTC Offers Evening Classes for Busy Adults
Late afternoon and evening courses at ACTC offer working students the classroom experience they want at the times they can attend. Most of these classes meet just once a week, giving students an entire week to complete assignments and study for the next class session.
Biology classes are Human Anatomy amp; Physiology I on Tuesday, Human Anatomy amp; Physiology II on Tuesday and Thursday, Organic Chemistry II Tuesday and Organic Chemistry II Lab on Thursday. Physical Geology and Physical Geology Lab are both on Wednesday, and Human Nutrition amp; Wellness is on Thursday.
Other evening courses include History of the US since 1865, Intro to College Writing, Intermediate Algebra and College Algebra. Computer classes are offered in Digital Literacy, a requirement for nearly every ACTC program, Computer Science I and Java 1
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education courses are Early Childhood Development and Approaches to Early Child Education Curriculum. Construction courses are Light Frame Construction I plus Lab and Light Frame Construction II plus Lab. Welding courses are offered evenings and midnights.
A complete list of spring courses is on the web at: ashland kctcs.edu. December 28 is the spring application deadline.