ACTC Honors 2011-12 Scholarship Recipients
Ashland Community and Technical College recognized 2011-12 scholarship recipients and donors at the annual Scholarship Reception on September 30.
The reception, held at the Technology Drive Campus, honored 127 students, some of whom received more than one scholarship, and more than thirty donors. A total of $212,000 in scholarships was awarded, a new all-time record.
We know that many students need help to attend college, said Dr. Greg Adkins, ACTC President and CEO, and we are pleased to be able to offer this level of support.
ACTC scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need and/or the potential for academic success, as well as other criteria developed by scholarship donors. The reception honored recipients who received scholarships from local and state funds that have selection processes which are administered by the college.
Although scholarship recipients come from diverse backgrounds and have a variety of career goals, they share an aspiration for a better life. They also share an appreciation of the donors who make scholarships possible.
Im thrilled to be selected for a scholarship, said Alisa D. Thompson, a Rush resident and Boyd County High School graduate who wants to complete the Practical Nursing program. I really appreciate getting this help to pursue a better future.
Scholarship Recipients
Recipients are listed below by city of residence.
From Argillite: Justin R. Angel, Summer D. Dennis and Samantha J. Smith.
From Ashland: Holly S. Akers, Cydney V. Baker, Ashley D. Barada, Chelsea N. Bailey, James M. Boggs, Stephanie M. Bowling, Alisa A. Brown, Alexandra R. Carpenter, Rachel N. Carrico, Denise N. Carter, Hollie N. Chandler, Amber R. Dickerson, Gilbert A. Dillow, Jordan L. Dixon, Megan R. Estep, Darcy A. Fletcher, Brett L. Gehringer, Angela D. Green, Kimila L. Griffith, Casey T. Hamilton, Angela D. Harrison, Amy E. Hurst, Shyanne A. Hush, Bradley T. Jackson, Brandi L. James, Paul A. Johnson, Brandon L. Kelley, Ashley R. Machnicki, Emily Mayo, Jeanna L. McDowell, Shalyn B. Miller, Ashley L. Nolen, Rachel M. Oney, Ronald G. Parker, Amber L. Patrick, Eric D. Potter, Leslie Powers, Lisa K. Raimondo, Ronald C. Reynolds, Austin T. Robinson, Steven T. Rogers, George A. Shepherd, Jackee L. Short, Katelin E. Smith, David R. Smith, Megan M. Stapleton, Jozi L. Stevens, Jason M. Sturgeon, Shawn A. Tarr, Corey L. Wellman and Amanda G. Whitt.
From Catlettsburg: Cheryl A. Cook, Terri R. Cornwell, Alexandra T. Day, Allison L. Fannin, Lacretia M. Hardin, Adam L. Holley, Shelbey E. Jacobs, Alexandria N. Marshall, Maghan L. Marshall, Mark A. McClanahan, Kellie N. McClelland, Morgan A. Remmele, Savannah D. Scott, James C. Stergeon and Lyndsey M. Thovson.
From Flatwoods: Erica M. Browning, Hilary C. Conley, Jordan P. Hamilton, Kayla B. McDavid, Justin K. Minnehan, Courtney A. Molina and Tammy Montgomery.
From Grayson: Blake A. Boggs, Tyler J. Clay, Aaron L. Crank, Emily G. Felty, Amanda J. McCall, Judy K. Stapleton, Talia A. Stephens and Alissa M. Walker.
From Greenup: Jillian N. Braden, Kala N. Brown, Christopher D. Furst, Dustin K. Gullett, Andrew W. Imel, Rebecca J. Smith, Andrew W. Swayne and Jamae F. Troxler.
From Louisa: Brittany L. Bellomy, Katlin Castle, Courtney L. Collins, Brittany N. Hall, Steven J. Lycans, Michael A. Parker, Ashley B. Sartin, Sarah B. Workman and Michele N. York.
From Morehead: Cassandra L. Gulley and Ricky A. Wilson.
From Olive Hill: Stephanie R. Logan, April M. Psimer, Ace A. Puckett, Paige N. Puckett and Michelle L. Stevens.
From Raceland: Jeffrey L. Bonzo and Leighanna M. Caudill-Lane.
From Rush: Jessica A. Smith and Alisa D. Thompson.
From Worthington: Stephanie M. Bays and Halie B. Nichols.
Also from Kentucky: Chelsea D. Hale, South Shore; Jeremy R. Williams, Wurtland; and Lucas M. Mayo, Russell.
From Ohio: Justin T. Bustetter, Kitts Hill; Jason R. Heffner and Ryan J. Williams, Chesapeake; Zach McCarty, Coal Grove; Alexander J. Bare, William S. Bordelon and Kevin D. MacDonald, Ironton; and Bethany C. Purdee, South Point.
From West Virginia: Judy L. Hayes, Fort Gay; and Megan L. Blevins, Huntington.
Scholarship Donors
Some of the scholarships awarded this year were established by organizations, including American Legion Clarence Fields Post 76, Fifth Third Bank, Kelley Galloway amp; Company PSC, Kentucky Power, Vanhoose/Big Sandy Foundation and YWCA.
We believe education deserves our support, said Louis Vaughan, a member of the Board of Directors of American Legion Post 76 and President of the Posts Building Corp. In 1999, the Post established two scholarship funds, one in honor of long time Legion member Jack Fugeman and one in the name of the Building Corporation.
We were pleased when the first recipients of those scholarships, Daniel Littleton and Bridget Palmer, graduated last May, Vaughan said. Helping students succeed in college is a project that we plan to continue.
Also awarded were scholarships established by area residents Agnes Burnette Johnson, Anne Kouns, Bob amp; Pat Goodpaster, Donald J. amp; Clotine Leach, Edward L. Buchanan, Georgia Norris Blazer, Goldie Wilson, Herb amp; Alene Boggs Alban, Joseph amp; Sylvia Mansbach, Kaplan amp; Simons, Lincoln amp; Katherine Morgan Scott, Maude Belle Brown, Mrs. Lou Eastham, Barbara Seibert, N. O. Kimbler, Robert B. Hilton, Ruie Kennard Kelley, Theodore C. and Bennie J. Shields, and Troy B. and Sophia Wheeler.
State-wide scholarships were the John T. Smith, KCTCS Commonwealth, KCTCS President's, Kentucky Colonels and KCTCS Workforce Development scholarships. ACTC institutional scholarships included the Partners in Progress, Pre-Engineering and Vending scholarships.