ACTC Fall 2011 Dean's List Announced
Ashland Community and Technical College has named 393 students to the Dean's List for Fall Semester 2011. Deans List students must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) on at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 100 and above. The students are listed below by city of residence.
Kentucky Students
From Argillite: Zachary D. Martin, Curtis E. Nichols, Stephanie J. Poplin, Samantha J. Smith, Susan P. West.
From Ashland: Tony A. Arthur II, Paul A. Baker, Ashley D. Barada, Sarah M. Barnett, Joshua J. Becker, Kyle G. Bias, Jeremy D. Blair, James M. Boggs, Rajeana L. Bowen, Stephanie M. Bowling, Joanna C. Breeding, Erica Burton, Terrence E. Campbell, Jessica R. Cantrell, Steven L. Carey, Alexandra R. Carpenter, Rachel N. Carrico, Jeffrey A. Chambers, Aaron C. Chandler, Linda M. Chappell, Erica L. Cleary, Daryl E. Clester, David S. Conley, Cynthia G. Cox, Christopher M. Damron, Amanda S. Davis
Also from Ashland: Christine C. Davis, Nanci E. Davis, Amber N. Dean, Wesley D. Diamond, Amber R. Dickerson,Ryan M. Dixon, Kaitlin D. Duncan, Charles G. Eaker, Jason M. Edgington, Megan R. Estep, Nkechinyere N. Eze, Angela L. Farley, Christopher J. Gamble, Nicholas C. Gatrell, Brett L. Gehringer, Danny D. Glass, Alexandria B. Gould, Jessica L. Griffith, Joshua A. Griffith, Sidney A. Groves, Christinia S. Hall, Stephanie A. Hall Jennifer S. Haney, Kelly M. Hanshaw, Lee E. Harris, Cranston S. Hill.
Also from Ashland: Katie M. Hughes, Charles E. B. Hurst, Holly H. James, Jack D. Johnson, Joshua D. Johnson, Marshall T. King, Donald H. Lambert, Samatha A. Leach, Cameron L. Leaver, Amanda H. Lemaster John J. Lestina, Karah L. Long, Sherry M. Mcconnell, Rachel E. Mckenzie, Todd P. Mckeon, Ronnie E McQuay, Tabitha D. Miles, Zachary J. Miller, Candace J. Mollette, Raymond L. Moore, Oreatha J. Murray, Phillip E. Newman, Shalah S. Nobles, Dustin J. Nunley, Desirae M. Oney, Scarlett O. Parham.
Also from Ashland: Brett M. Parsons, Amber L. Patrick, Lisa S. Patrick, Brittany A. Persinger, Jordan R. Poplin, LIsa K. Raimondo, James S. Rakes, Careyray C. Ratcliff, Rachel H. Ratliff, Ashley N. Renfroe, Patricia L. Riley, Muhammad B. Rinaldi, Andrew S. Roach, Misti M. Robertson, Hunter D. Rockwell, Cloyd A. Rodkey, Steven T. Rogers, Christy R. Sallie, Brandon R. Sanders, Shelby J. Scior.
Also from Ashland: Jillienne A. Shannon, Megan L. Shoup, Marcia L. Simmons, Darren M. Slone, Stephanie R. Smedley, Amanda V. Spears, Clinton G. Spurlock, Billie J. Stanley, John W. Stephens, Patrick M. Stump, Melissa D. Taylor, David P. Thompson, Vanessa C. Thompson, Sara B. Wellman, Kyle W. Wessel, Kristina M. Wheeler, Carrie K. White, Allison R. Whitley, Julia C. Winans, Stephen A. Wray, Katie E. Wurts.
From Catlettsburg: Katie E. Black, Candace S. Blakeley, Megan L. Blevins, Douglas W. Bowling, Richard A. Caines, Daniel A. Chaffin, Rickey L. Davidson, Alexandra T. Day, Faith R. Ekers, Lacretia M. Hardin, Aaron K. Jenkins, Alexandria N. Marshall, Mark A. Mcclanahan, Kellie N. Mcclelland, Jeffrey D. Meddings, Lindsay Moore, Rodney L. Opell II, Ariel M. Patrick, Bethel D. Perry, Jeremy K. Phillips, Victoria L. Purinton Zachary K. Rankin, Michael D. Reed, Corey M. Vasvary, Adam T. Wellman.
From Flatwoods: Thomas F. Adams, Brandyn M. Anderson, Travis A. Bailey, Christina L. Blackaby, Micah G. Bowling, Andrew B. Braden, Erica M. Browning, Christopher L. Brumfield, David E. Conley, Alvin B. Cordle, Jordan M. Daniels, Lauren A. Dawson, Jason T. Freiberger, Zachary T. Hall, Joseph M. Jenkins, Anna B. Jones, Granville R. Litteral, Elizabeth L. Miller, Tammy Montgomery, Audrea D. Nowlin, Mariah S. Scott, Joseph L. Sizemore, James D. Slone, Krista N. Smith, Kyle L. Smith, Tonya L. Smith, Cody A. Stevens, Matthew A. Thompson, Megan Vacanti, Chasidy D. Watkins, Samuel A. Watkins, Katie D. Workman.
From Grayson: James N. Berry, Jayson L. Burton, Jeanne Cartwright, Tyler J. Clay, Derek S. Conley, Aaron L. Crank, Dalton K. Evans, Derek C. Flannery, Ashley N. Gollihue, David S. Harlow, Dena K. Harris, Ethan M. Hartsell, Daniel P. Hensley, Tiffani B. Hensley, Christopher K. Justice, Stephanie F. Kouns, Anna D. Lowe, Justin M. Lycans, Staci R. McDavid, Jennifer L. Mcglone, Miranda K. Mcgranahan, Timothy T. Messer, Joyleana S. Miller, Mary J. Miller, Miranda J. Mullins, Cristy D. Parsons, Ashton L. Riggs, Nicholas R. Russell, Courtney R. Shepherd, Mary L. Skaggs, Jetta N. Slone, Jeffery D. Stinnett, Lindsay E. Thompson, Timothy B. Tolliver, Laura E. Walker, Samantha D. Yates.
From Greenup: Jason A. Blevins, Carrie A. Brinegar, Jesse W. Cantrell, Cody J. Carter, Cassandra A. Fannin, Adam R. Foster, Alexander J. Mccoy, Bobby C. Mccoy, Melissa A. Miller, Lauren P. Quillen, Angela E. Reyna, Anthony W. Rhoden, James A. Robinson, Andrew W. Swayne, Donna Waggoner, Joseph L. Willis.
From Louisa: Jaime N. Bush, Fannie C. Cantrell, Shane R. Chaffin, Jessica C. Cordle, Donald K. Dixon, Sydney R. Evans, Jessica N. Fannin, Brittany N. Hall, Margaret A. Hall, Justin T. Harper, Kathy L. Harper, Autumn B. Hayes, Treena J. Hogan, Brooke A. Keesee, Jordan K. Lemaster, Aaron S. May, Katlyn M. Moore, Nancy P. Moore, Richard W. Moore, India D. O'brian, Michael A. Parker, Deborah L. Pauley, Benjamin S. Preston, Ashley B. Sartin, Crystal N. Spillman, Derek R. Spillman, Jeffrey A. Spillman, Walter K. Vanhoose, Stephanie N. Workman, Michele N. York.
From Olive Hill: Albert M. Alderson, Julie A. Bailey, Laura B. Barker,Samantha L. Carey, Racheal M. Carroll, Justin M. Caudill, Jay B. James, Anita L. Jones, Jeremiah D. Lewis, Timothy B. Lewis, Samuel H. Lowe, Norah E. McGlone, Samantha M. Rayburn, Vickie C. Rivers, Garry L. Steele, Donald R. Williams.
From Raceland: Terry L. Bailey, Jeffrey L. Bonzo, Autumn B. Fitch, Joseph W. Marcum Joshua M. Quillen, Angela K. Rigsby, Stephanie L. Wilson.
From Rush: Trina Burton, Amber N. Deerfield, Kristin R. Hall, Melissa S. Leake, David A. LeBrun, Amanda Quillen, Morgan B. Riffe, Owen J. Smith, Trisha S. Smith, Alisa D. Thompson.
From Russell: April N. Adkins, Skye E. Lynch, Shane A. McPeek, Jesse W. Rucker, Courtney N. Sloas, Haleigh M. Stevens, Kathryn P. Wollenhaupt.
From Sandy Hook: Chasity K. Pennington, Lori D. Porter,William E. Reed.
From South Shore: Stephanie R. Bear, Brandon M. Caudill, Eva M. Cooper, Gaylord Cooper, Sarah L. Cooper, Chelsea D. Hale, Daniel R. Leport, Ronnie J. Liles, Kyle L. Murray, Brittany M. Royster, Rachel A. Seelhorst, Brittany D. Wilburn.
From Webbville: Karen J. Fraley, Jason M. Sexton.
From Worthington: Charis M. Artist, Joshua R. Coffee, Brian P. Nolan.
From Wurtland: Jeffrey B. Duty, Tonya R. Salyers, Jeremy R. Williams.
Also from Kentucky: Candy L. Coomer, Denton; Natasha M. Culver, Worthville; Christopher W. Endicott, Inez; Jordan Q. Fannin, Isonville; Benjamin M. Gibson,Salyersville; Robert E. Johnson, Hazard; Kyle W. Ledford, Morehead; Mitchell R. McCoy, Ulysses; Kayla A. McKinney, Blaine; Jesse D. Morgan, Vanceburg; Emily A. Mullins, Louisville; Jarrett Z. Noble, Garrison;Dylan J. Sharpe, Allen; Charleea M. Sparks, Beauty.
Ohio Students
From Chesapeake: Clinton E. Baise, Shawn A. Hicks, Kayla N. Lucas, Ryan J. Williams.
From Ironton: Jonathan A. Brammer, William D. Bryant, Ashley Gannon, Carlos T. Orengo, Marcus D. Turner.
From Kitts Hill: Justin T. Bustetter, William J. Mays, Matthew D. Smith, Dallas M. Tibbs.
From Portsmouth: Joshua D. Biggs, Gregory S. Tackett.
From Proctorville: Brandon M. Black, Amber L. Triplett
From South Point: Zachariah N. Dickerson, Heather L. Ferguson, Christopher D. Foltz, Bethany C. Purdee, Kayla M. Skeens.
Also from Ohio: Thomas P. Baldwin, Willow Wood; Travis D. Pertuset, Lucasville; Lindsey C. Webb, Pedro.
West Virginia Students
From Barboursville: Rebecca L. Catalogna, Mark Stephens.
From Fort Gay: Angela S. Copley, Terry J. Moore.
From Huntington: Gregory E. Evans, Andrew M. Lucas, Christopher F. Mullen, Sean W. Porter.
From Kenova: Bethany G. Akers, Justin L. Booth, Lenville C. Farley, Dennie J. Ferguson, Jillian M. Pulley, Jessica L. Ross, Sara H. Shertzer, Katherine E. Tanner, Joyce D. Terry.
From Lavalette: Daniel R. Adkins, David A. Blankenship.
From Wayne: Johrden E. Adkins, Tonia J. Hearon, Lucinda J. Staley, Douglas S. Stephens.
Also from WV: Joshua D. Bryant, East Lynn; Nicholas A. Porter, West Hamlin; Garron A. Ross, Hurricane; Jennifer A. Swinford, Ceredo; Gary B. Thacker, Prichard.