I'm a Pathfinder: Carol Elam | ACTC

I'm a Pathfinder: Carol Elam

Published on Mar 18, 2025

A proud Ashland native, Dr. Carol Elam says she grew up in a community-centered family. 

Her father, Davis Elam, was a local dentist, and her mother, Carolyn Elam, managed his office. 

With strong local ties and a passion for learning, Elam attended several schools in Ashland, including Hager, Putnam, and Paul G. Blazer High School, where she developed a deep appreciation for education and a love for community activities. From playing neighborhood sports to attending local school events, she says her youth was enriched by the spirit of Ashland.

“I always thought that I had very good teachers who both encouraged me and challenged me in my schooling,” Elam said. “I have a lot of very happy memories of my youth…playing wiffle ball and football as well as Black Leopard with our neighbor kids, going to Camden Park on various group outings, shopping downtown, and attending Ashland football and basketball games.”   

After high school, Elam chose to continue her education at Ashland Community College (now ACTC) in its inaugural year, and she says ACC was the perfect place to pursue her academic goals. 

Elam completed the general course requirements for transfer at ACC, and transferred to the University of Kentucky, where she earned her degree in English and Secondary Education in 1974.

Following her graduation from UK, Elam returned to Ashland and began teaching English and speech at Russell Middle School. She says her early career was marked by her passion for teaching and her desire to engage with middle school students. 

At Russell, she launched a Speech Team that quickly became a source of pride for the school, winning several regional and state competitions.

“The young Russell students were so enthusiastic… and so eager to learn,” Elam recalled.

Driven by a desire to deepen her understanding of education, Dr. Elam returned to UK to earn a master’s degree in Educational Psychology and Counseling. 

She went on to work at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine (UKCOM), where she served in a variety of roles over the years, including faculty development, student services, and director of medical education research. 

Today, she is a professor in the Department of Behavioral Science at UK, where she teaches medical students critical interviewing skills and topics related to human behavior.

She encourages current and future students to explore the opportunities available at ACTC, noting that the college provided a solid foundation for her future achievements.

“I have constantly drawn on my ACC experiences as I have moved through my various career stages,” Elam said. 

She said ACC’s commitment to student success and the opportunity to pursue her education close to home were instrumental in her decision to attend. 

“I knew that I wasn’t ready to go to a big campus, and I preferred the option of pursuing the early years of my post-high school education at home,” she said. “I knew what educational and personal goals I wanted to accomplish, and for me, ACC was a good fit.”

Written by: Megan Smedley, ACTC assistant director of public relations and alumni engagement