ACTC partners with UK King's Daughters for health care communication course
Published on Jan 15, 2025
Ashland Community and Technical College (ACTC) is proud to collaborate once again with UK King’s Daughters hospital for the Health Care Communication (HST 103) course for the spring 2025 semester.
Dr. Mary Cat Flath, ACTC professor of anatomy and physiology, began working with UK King’s Daughter’s in fall 2022, with the first course collaboration launching in spring 2024.
“My co-course lead is Mandy Medinger, director of talent acquisition, and with the help of Craig Harvey, executive director of organizational development, and Bethany Pemberton, director of education, we worked to organize the many details associated with offering this amazing opportunity for our ACTC health science technology students,” said Flath.
The course introduces communication and its various forms as it exists in the health care field. HST 103 focuses on verbal, nonverbal, written, and oral communication between members of the health team, patient, and caregivers through an interdisciplinary approach.
Students will examine each role with discussion from the perspective of the involved parties. The course emphasizes diversity, sociocultural influences, and teamwork, while also discussing the role of media in health care and how health promotion campaigns may be implemented and managed.
The course is appropriate for anyone interested in a career in allied health or nursing.
“With sessions being held on King’s Daughters’ main campus, it is a tremendous help that they are providing shuttle service for us to and from King’s Daughters so that we don’t have to worry about travel and parking,” Flath continued. “They work very hard to accommodate us, and I’m very excited. Round two of this course will be another amazing learning and networking opportunity for all of us.”
Presenters in the course include leaders in areas such as talent acquisition, behavioral health, patient services, radiology, infection control, human resources, and more.