PTK seeking walkers/runners for virtual 5k
September 21, 2023
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Alpha Omega Gamma Chapter at ACTC is looking for walkers and runners to join PTK's Kentucky regional team for a virtual 5K called The Scholar Dash.
This safe and healthy competition will help raise funds to assist students in joining the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
“The flexibility of Scholar Dash is what makes the event so enjoyable,” PTK Advisor, Janet Thompson, commented. “Participants can choose when/where they complete their 5K at their best timeline and location.”
Funds raised will go toward the Golden Opportunity Scholarship, PTK’s fee waiver designed to increase access to the benefits of membership by helping students pay the membership fee when they simply cannot afford it.
“The Scholar Dash is an easy, affordable, fun way to give back to the college and community,” Thompson added. “Each person that signs up for Scholar Dash helps contribute to the Golden Opportunity Scholarship funds which helps pay membership fees for the students otherwise unable to join and become active members of PTK. I can say our chapter at ACTC has had success in awarding this needed scholarship to our students and we are thrilled to continue this event and its worthy cause.”
Virtual 5K registration costs $30 and will come with a commemorative pin and t-shirt. Participants will commit to do their 5K at their own location/leisure by the deadline of September 30, 2023.
Register Here: https://changelives.ptkfoundation.org/team/512974 (Click the “Join Team” link)