Dual Credit gives high schoolers a jump start to college
July 27, 2023
High school students all across the region are receiving college credentials before graduating as a part of the dual credit program at Ashland Community and Technical College.
Dual credit courses allow high school students to take a college course and earn credit toward future college credentials.
ACTC offers a wide variety of courses for dual credit with the following school districts: Ashland Independent, Boyd County, Boyd County Career and Technical Center, Carter County, Carter County Career and Technical Center, Carter Christian Academy, Elliott County, Fairview Independent, Greenup County, Greenup Area Technology Center, Lawrence County, Raceland Independent, Rose Hill, Russell, Russell Area Technology Center.
Students who are interested in taking dual credit courses begin by talking to their high school counselors. The student must meet the prerequisites for the dual credit course, and it must count toward their high school graduation.
Prerequisites include GPA, specific ACT scores, or completion of required prerequisite courses. The counselors send the approved student information to ACTC, enrollment center staff work on the details necessary to get the student enrolled in their ACTC dual credit courses.
Juniors and seniors may take general education courses, and students in 10th, 11th and 12th grades may take career and technical courses, like welding.
“Dual credit is an amazing opportunity for students to get a jump start on their college courses and career preparation. Taking these courses helps students prepare for the rigor of college work before they graduate high school, which in turn helps them become a more successful college student,” said Vicki McGinnis, dual credit coordinator.
McGinnis has served as coordinator since 2018.
“Dual credit is a wonderful example of the ‘community’ in ACTC's name. One of the main ways we support our community is by our partnerships with local K-12 school districts,” she said. “Dual credit gives students a chance to try a college class and learn about what it takes to succeed in college, and see themselves as a successful college student.”
Students who complete dual credit through ACTC have the opportunity to continue their education at ACTC to earn an associate’s degree at a lower cost, even if their long-term plan is to earn a bachelor’s degree.
Since 2018, ACTC has served nearly 3,000 dual credit students.
For more information, email as_dualcredit@kctcs.edu.