Young Women LEAD returning to ACTC
September 20, 2022
ASHLAND, Ky. – Ashland Community and Technical College is excited to announce the return of Young Women LEAD to our Technology Drive Campus Oct. 13 and 14.
“I am so excited to be back live and in-person again this year,” said Chrisha Spears, YWL Chair. “Virtual reached so many more girls, but I want to see girls on their feet and hear them screaming, ‘Best day ever!’”
The YWL conference is for girls and focuses on Leadership, Education and Development (LEAD). The all-day conference features interactive breakout sessions, keynote speakers and lunch. The conference is free to all participants, and more than 700 students are expected to attend.
ACTC has hosted YWL since 2013.
“I believe in this program so much because I needed it when I was their age,” said Spears. “If I can help even just one girl see that there is a better way, that there is hope to be something that she never thought possible, then I have accomplished my goal.”
This year’s keynote speaker is Julie Marie Carrier, a well-known coach for young women and award-winning author. Also presenting breakout sessions at the event are successful women from the region who represent a variety of careers and passions, including Maggie Bailey, Christy Bare, Kayla Franklin, Jessica Haukendahl, Journey Jordan, Nichole E. Miller, Megan Cox, Ashley Vanderpool, and Heather York.
These women are experts on issues that high school girls are currently facing. The sessions will teach important skills needed to be successful in the workforce, STEM and ways to develop their leadership potential.
The event is open to high school juniors. Young ladies interested in attending should speak with their high school’s guidance counselor to register.
YWL is sponsored by Toyota, Ashland Community & Technical College, SOAR, Community & Technical College Foundation of Ashland, Inc, Marathon Petroleum Company, King’s Daughters, City National Bank, and Northern Kentucky University.
For more information, contact Spears at Chrisha.Spears@kctcs.edu.