Pathfinder Pantry to open second location
August 10, 2022
ASHLAND, Ky. – Ashland Community and Technical College is excited to announce the opening of a second Pathfinder Pantry location to serve students.
The newest location, which will be near the student lounge of the Technology Drive Campus, will be open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Other hours are by appointment only.
“Opening another site for Pathfinder Pantry allows us to serve students at the Technology Drive Campus, with extended hours for evening shift and working students. I’m grateful to partner with AmeriCorp, which provides a worker to assist with this much needed service,” said Chrisha Spears, pantry coordinator.
The College Drive Campus location is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10 A.M. to 4. P.M. and is in room 163.
To date, pantry staff have served 2,485 people since opening in September 2019, including repeat users.
To receive services, students must be currently enrolled at the college. A student ID or a copy of the student’s class schedule is required.
Students must complete the online form below or the paper form located in the pantry using their KCTCS email. Requests from a personal email will not be accepted.
The online form can be found here: https://ashland.kctcs.edu/about/student-life/pantry.aspx
Students may fill one bag of non-perishable food items and receive one hygiene pack per month. Students can pick up perishable food/produce weekly, while supplies are available. Perishable foods cannot be shipped to another campus.
Each student needing services must complete a request form each month that they need services.
Both Pantry locations operate entirely from donations, so any donations of canned food items or hygiene products are greatly appreciated. Those items can be dropped off at either location.
Monetary donations are also welcomed and can be made by contacting ACTC’s Foundation at as_foundation@kctcs.edu.
Pantry donations will be accepted at both ACTC’s Pathfinder Party on the Lawn and Comedy night, happening next week.
For more information, email AS_Pantry@kctcs.edu