Register for Microsoft courses
March 30, 2021
ASHLAND, Ky. – Registration for Workforce Solutions classes that will allow participants to learn about Microsoft Office programs is now open.
Among those are Microsoft Word 2019, Microsoft PowerPoint 2019, Microsoft Access 2019, Microsoft Excel 2019 and Microsoft Outlook 2019.
Instructional courses for older versions of Microsoft products are also available.
The classes, which are six-weeks in length, can be instructor-led or self-paced.
Each course costs $129. A value suite, focusing only on Excel, PowerPoint and Word is also available. The fee for that course is $324.
Each course within the Microsoft Office 2019 Value Suite will introduce participants to the basic features and functionality of Microsoft's 2019 software.
Students complete these interactive courses entirely over the Internet. All courses are led by expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. These courses are affordable, fun, fast and convenient.
To search for the classes listed above or to see the entire catalog of classes, visit https://www.ed2go.com/actc to find course descriptions, instructor information and user-friendly instructions.
For more information, contact Robin Harris, Director of Workforce Solutions, at robin.harris@kctcs.edu.
Registration is open for Fall 2021 courses at ACTC. To set up a visit to campus or to schedule an appointment with an advisor, contact the Welcome Center by calling (606) 326-2040 or emailing as_welcome@kctcs.edu.
ACTC will host a drive-thru graduation ceremony for students who graduated during Fall 2020, Spring 2021 and Summer 2021 on Saturday, May 8 at 10 A.M. at the College Drive Campus.