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Your Impact

ACTC Foundation partners with local businesses and generous donors like you to directly impact the lives of our students by supporting programs across the college. Your enduring generosity will continue to expand opportunities available to current and future ACTC students. You can support one of our priorities which include student success, workforce development, and innovation, or invest in a program that aligns with your goals and interests.


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Student Emergency Support
Greatest Needs
Your Interest

Over $133,000 in scholarships provided by donors to ACTC for 2021-2022.

The majority of ACTC students rely heavily, if not entirely, on financial aid. Investing in an existing
scholarship fund or creating your own scholarship allows you to make a direct and meaningful impact on
the lives of students.

Scholarships can also be created to honor the legacy of a loved one or leave a legacy that reflects your values. Scholarships can be customized to support students from a specified region or program of study.

Gifts of any amount can be made to existing scholarship funds by making an online donation here.

Donors can make scholarship gifts to assist students with the costs of their education or create
endowed scholarships to provide permanent funds for students in the future. The estimated annual cost
to attend ACTC includes in-state tuition and fees of $4,488 and average book and supply costs of $1,026.
Students may work fewer hours to balance their academic priorities, which can result in less
funding available for childcare, transportation, housing, and other household costs. Your gift helps
students keep their focus on their education rather than financial circumstances.

$15,925 awarded to 34 students from Fall 2020 –
Spring 2022.

A student’s success in college is often dependent on a variety of circumstances, many of which may be outside their direct control. Medical challenges, employment changes, childcare needs, and financial emergencies can impact whether a student stays on track to achieve their goals. Our Student Emergency Fund gives students a way to solve the problems that stand in the way of their continued education.
“Being faced with the choice of buying groceries or paying for internet, I had to put food on the table.
Since today is the last day of the month, I have to drop my online class due to in lack of internet access.”
-Student course withdrawal request, Spring 2020

The ACTC Student Emergency Fund supports student success by removing obstacles resulting from anunforeseen financial emergency that, without assistance, would prevent a student from continuing theireducation at ACTC. The Student Emergency Fund is funded entirely through generous support of individuals, grants, and corporate donations.

For every $1 invested in ACTC, society gains $12.40 in added state revenue and social savings.

ACTC has been nationally recognized as an innovative and entrepreneurial college, but it takes resources
to establish new programs and services. Your gift to the Greatest Needs fund gives ACTC the flexibility to
have the greatest impact possible as we respond to changing workforce and student needs. Your
donations will support the college’s most urgent needs for equipment, program development, special
projects, technology, faculty and staff support, and more.

Want to support ACTC in a different way? We are happy to learn more about your
interests and match them to the college’s needs. Past donor support has helped ACTC to:
Provide scholarships to deserving students. These scholarships are for students in credit, and
selected non-credit and workforce development programs.

Provide scholarships to deserving students. These scholarships are for students in credit, selected non-credit and workforce development programs.
Maintain academic excellence by supporting faculty and staff development and leadership opportunities.
Develop and sustain programs that support student achievement.
Purchase state-of-the-art instructional equipment and supplies for labs and classrooms.
Support activities that complement the college's educational offerings, enhance the experience
of current students, and bring new students to campus.
Contact us to develop a customized approach that aligns with your interests and philanthropic goals.

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