Fire/Rescue Science | ACTC

Fire/Rescue Science

AAS in Fire/Rescue Science Technology

First Year Course Schedule

Course Credit Hours
Computer Literacy 0-3
Social Interaction 3
Total Hours 3-6
Course Credit Hours
FRS 101 Introduction to Fire Service 3
FRS 102 Firefighters Basic Skills I 3
FRS 103 Firefighters Basic Skills II 3
Writing/Accessing Information 3
Total Hours 12
Course Credit Hours
FRS 104 Firefighters Intermediate Skills I 3
FRS 105 Firefighters Intermediate Skills II 3
Mathematics 3
Heritage/Humanities/Foreign Language 3
Total Hours 12

Second Year Course Schedule

Course Credit Hours
FRS 204 EMT First Responder 3
Total Hours 3
Course Credit Hours
FRS 201 Firefighters Advanced Skills I 3
FRS 202 Firefighters Advanced Skills II 3
FRS 203 Firefighters Advanced Skills III 3
Science 3
Total Hours 12
Course Credit Hours
FRS 205 Fire Officer I  5
FRS 206 Fire Officer II  8
FRS 207 Fire Officer III  6
Total Hours 19

Total Credit Hours for AAS: 61-64

Curriculum within KCTCS is reviewed and updated to ensure quality and relevance. This curriculum plan should be used only as a guide for meeting the course requirements for each credential. See the KCTCS catalog for specifics and consult your advisor