Automotive Technology Semester Plan
First Year Course Schedule
Course | Credit Hours |
ADX 120-Basic Auto Electricity | 3 |
ADX 121-Basic Auto Electricity Lab | 2 |
ADX 150-Engine Repair | 3 |
ADX 151-Engine Repair Lab | 2 |
AUT 140-Basic Fuel & Ignition Systems | 3 |
AUT 141-Basic Fuel & Ignition Systems Lab | 2 |
Total Hours | 15 |
Course | Credit Hours |
ADX 170-Climate Control | 3 |
ADX 171-Climate Control Lab | 1 |
AUT 180-Auto Transmissions/Transaxle | 3 |
AUT 181 Auto Transmissions/Transaxle Lab | 2 |
AUT 130-Manual Drive Train and Axles | 3 |
AUT 131-Manual Drive Train and Axles Lab | 2 |
General Education | 3 |
Total Hours | 17 |
Second Year Course Schedule
Course | Credit Hours |
ADX 260-Electrical Systems | 3 |
ADX 261-Electrical Systems Lab | 2 |
AUT 110-Brake Systems | 3 |
AUT 111-Brake Systems Lab | 2 |
AUT 160-Suspension and Steering | 3 |
AUT 161-Suspension and Steering Lab | 2 |
Total Hours | 15 |
Course | Credit Hours |
AUT 240-Computer Control Systems & Diagnosis |
3 |
AUT 241-Computer Control Systems & Diagnosis Lab |
2 |
AUT 142 Emission Systems | 3 |
AUT 143 Emission Systems Lab | 2 |
Computer/Digital Literacy2 | 3 |
General Education1 | 3 |
Any approved work experience | 1 |
Total Hours | 17 |
Total Hours for Diploma | 61-64 |
Completion of Diploma or Additional Requirements for AAS/GOTS Degree
General Education Component
Course | Credit Hours |
Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
Natural Sciences | 3 |
Social/Behavioral Sciences | 3 |
Heritage/Humanities | 3 |
Written Communication | 3 |
Subtotal Hours | 15 |
Technical Component
Course | Credit Hours |
Technical Core | 33-36 |
Automotive Technical Track | 21 |
Automotive Parts/Service Writer Track | 13 |
Automotive Technical | 69-72 |
Automotive Parts/Service Writer | 61-64 |
Please refer to course catalog for complete listing of required Technical courses.
The student must have a plan of study on file in the academic affairs office.
A combination of general education and technical courses should not exceed 68 credits.
Credit earned through certificate and diploma completion will be applicable toward the Associate of Applied Science in General Occupation/Technical Studies degree when consistent with the objectives of the student’s individual plan of study.
*Note* Hours Exception (69-72 for the A. A.S. and 61-64 for the Diploma) approved
by the KCTCS Board of Regents in March
16 credit hours of general education courses are needed to fulfill the requirements
of a diploma. One course from each area:
Area 1 (written communication, oral communication, or humanities/heritage) Area 2
(social/behavioral sciences, natural
sciences or quantitative reasoning). *Please see your advisor for a list of approved
2Computer/Digital Literacy course OR demonstrated competency must be met to fulfill
requirements for Diploma. Please see
your advisor for approved courses and/or testing information
3COE 199 OR AUT 198 may be taken to fulfill this requirement OR any approved course by the program coordinator.
Curriculum within KCTCS is reviewed and updated to ensure quality and relevance. This
curriculum plan should be used only as a
guide for meeting the course requirements for each credential. See the KCTCS catalog
for specifics and consult your advisor.
Revised March, 2021