Air Conditioning Technology Semester Plan
First Year Course Schedule
Course | Credit Hours |
ACR 100 - Refrigeration Fundamentals | 3 |
ACR 101 - Refrigeration Fundamentals Lab | 2 |
ACR 102 - HVAC Electricity | 3 |
ACR 103 - HVAC Electricity Lab OR Comparable Electrical Course |
2-5 |
ACR 130 - Electrical Components | 3 |
ACR 131 - Electrical Components Lab | 2 |
Total Hours | 15-18 |
Course | Credit Hours |
ACR 200 - Commercial Refrigeration (Elective) | 3 |
ACR 201 - Commercial Refrigeration Lab (Elective) | 2 |
ACR 250 - Cooling & Dehumidification | 3 |
ACR 251 - Cooling & Dehumidification Lab | 2 |
ACR 260 - Heating & Humidification | 3 |
ACR 262 - Heating & Humidification Lab | 2 |
Total Hours | 15 |
Second Year Course Schedule
Course | Credit Hours |
ACR 210 - Ice Machines (Elective) | 3 |
ACR 270 - Heat Pump Application | 3 |
ACR 271 - Heat Pump Application Lab | 2 |
General Education | 3 |
General Education | 3 |
Total Hours | 14 |
Course | Credit Hours |
ACR 170 - Heat Load/Duct Design | 3 |
ACR 290 - Journeyman Preparation (Elective) | 3 |
General Education | 3 |
Digital Literacy | 3 |
ACR 291 - Special Problems OR ACR 298 - Practicum |
1-2 |
Total Hours | 13-14 |
Total Hours for Diploma | 47-56 |
Completion of Diploma or Additional Requirements for AAS/GOTS Degree
General Education Component
Course | Credit Hours |
Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
Natural Sciences | 3 |
Social/Behavioral Sciences | 3 |
Heritage/Humanities | 3 |
Written Communication | 3 |
Subtotal Hours | 15 |
Technical Component
Course | Credit Hours |
Technical Core | 34-40 |
Electives | 9-11 |
Subtotal Hours | 42-48 |
Total Credits for Degree | 58-64 |
Credit earned through certificate and diploma program/completion will be applicable toward the Associate of Applied Science in General Occupational/Technical Studies degree when consistent with the objectives of the student’s individual plan of study.
*Comparable Electrical Courses (Number of Credit Hours)
- EET 154 - Electrical Construction I (2) AND EET 155 - Electrical Construction I Lab (2) OR
- ETT 112 - Basic Electrical Theory: Telenetworking (3) AND ETT 113 - Basic Electrical Theory Lab (1) OR
- ELT 110 - Circuits I (5) OR
- IMT 110 - Industrial Maintenance Electrical Principles (3) AND IMT 111 - Industrial Maintenance Electrical Principles Lab (2)